require(["dojo/parser", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/registry", "dojo/date/locale", "dojo/store/JsonRest", "dijit/Calendar", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/date", "dojo/html", "dijit/form/TimeTextBox", "dijit/form/NumberTextBox", "dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore", "dojo/domReady!"], function(parser, lang, declare, registry, locale, JsonRest, Calendar, dom, domStyle, date, html, TimeTextBox, NumberTextBox, ItemFileReadStore) { var now = locale.format(new Date(), {datePattern: 'MM-dd-yyyy',selector: 'date'}); var loadingProgress = 0; var calendar = new Calendar({ value: new Date(), onChange: function(value){ refresh(); } }, "calendarSelect"); function refresh() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var actualTimeValue = dijit.byId("actualTime").value; var dateStr = locale.format(calendarValue, {datePattern: 'MM-dd-yyyy',selector: 'date'}); var timeStr = locale.format(actualTimeValue, {timePattern: 'HH:mm:ss',selector: 'time'}); html.set(dom.byId("LunarText1"),"It's Day "+getMoonAge(getJulianDay())+" of the current lunar month."); html.set(dom.byId("LunarText2"),getLunarDate()); html.set(dom.byId("LunarText3"),moonPhases_[computePhaseIndex()]+" in X degrees and X minutes of [sign]"); html.set(dom.byId("SolarText1"),TEN_SPACES+dateStr+" CE"+TEN_SPACES+TEN_SPACES+TEN_SPACES+timeStr); html.set(dom.byId("SolarText2"),getTide()); html.set(dom.byId("SolarText3"),"The Sun is in X degrees, X minutes and X seconds of [sign]."); html.set(dom.byId("XmasText"),"There are only "+getXmas()+" more shopping days until Xmas and "+getXDay()+" until X-Day."); html.set(dom.byId("FrenchText")," FRENCH:  "+getFrenchStr()); html.set(dom.byId("MayanText"),"MAYAN DATE:  "+getTzolkinDate() + " " + getHaabDate()+"  ("+getLongCount()+")"); html.set(dom.byId("JulianText")," The Julian Day is "+getJulianDay()+"."); html.set(dom.byId("ChinaText")," Chinese year of the "+getChineseYear()+"."); html.set(dom.byId("DiscordianText")," DISCORDIAN:  Today is "+getDiscordianDay()+" -- "+getDiscordianRandomText()); html.set(dom.byId("PlanetaryHourText"),"Planetary Hour of X."); html.set(dom.byId("FeriaText")," FERIÆ:       "+getFeria()); } function getChineseYear() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var chineseYearOffset = calendarValue.getUTCFullYear() - 1970; var jan1 = new Date(calendarValue.getUTCFullYear(),0,1); var dateDiff = date.difference(jan1,calendarValue); dateDiff = dateDiff + 1; while (chineseYearOffset > chineseNewYear_.length) { chineseYearOffset = chineseYearOffset - 65; } if (dateDiff < chineseNewYear_[chineseYearOffset]) { chineseYearOffset--; } if (chineseYearOffset < 0) { chineseYearOffset = 0; } var chineseYear = chineseZodiac_[chineseYearOffset % 12]; return chineseYear; } function getTide() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var jan1 = new Date(calendarValue.getUTCFullYear(),0,1); var dateDiff = date.difference(jan1,calendarValue) + 1; var offset = 0; if (date.isLeapYear(calendarValue)) { offset = 1; } var tide = "Roll Tide"; if (dateDiff >= CANDLEMAS_START && dateDiff <= CANDLEMAS_END + offset) { tide = "Tide of Candlemas"; } else if (dateDiff >= BELTANE_START + offset && dateDiff <= BELTANE_END + offset) { tide = "Tide of Beltane"; } else if (dateDiff >= LAMMAS_START + offset && dateDiff <= LAMMAS_END + offset) { tide = "Tide of Lammas"; } else if (dateDiff >= HALLOWEEN_START + offset && dateDiff <= HALLOWEEN_END + offset) { tide = "Tide of Hallowe'en"; } tide = tide + " "; return tide; } function getJulianDay() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var actualTimeValue = dijit.byId("actualTime").value; var time_exact = actualTimeValue.getHours()/24 + actualTimeValue.getMinutes()/1440; time_exact = time_exact - 0.5; //alert(actualTimeValue.getHours() + " " + time_exact); calendarValue.setHours(actualTimeValue.getHours()); calendarValue.setMinutes(actualTimeValue.getMinutes()); var baseTime = new Date(1970,0,1); baseTime.setHours(0); //var julian = date.difference(baseTime,calendarValue,"day") + 2440587.5; var julian = calendarValue.getTime()/86400000 + 2440587.5 //julian = julian + time_exact; // Might not work before 1970, but oh well. /* var julianYear = calendarValue.getUTCFullYear(); var julianMonth = calendarValue.getUTCMonth(); if (julianMonth > 2) { julianMonth++; } else { julianYear--; julianMonth = julianMonth + 13; } var day = calendarValue.getUTCDate(); var julian = (365.25 * julianYear) + (30.6001*julianMonth) + day + 1720995.0; var ja = 0.01 * julianYear; julian += (2 - ja + (0.25 * ja)); */ calendarValue.setHours(0); calendarValue.setMinutes(0); //return julian; return Math.floor(julian*2) / 2; } function getLunarDate() { var lunar105 = new Date (1993,7,4); var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var lunarYear = 105; var timeDiff = date.difference(lunar105,calendarValue,"day"); lunarYear = lunarYear + Math.floor(timeDiff / (19*365)); var lunarMonth = 1; var lunarDay = 1; if (timeDiff < 0) { lunarMonth = 365; lunarDay = 19; } timeDiff = timeDiff % (19*365); lunarMonth = lunarMonth + Math.floor(timeDiff / 19); lunarDay = lunarDay + (timeDiff % 19); var lunarDate = lunarDay + " - " + lunarMonth + " - " + lunarYear; return lunarDate; } function getHaabDate() { var haabBase = new Date(1980,3,10); var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var timeDiff = date.difference(haabBase,calendarValue,"day"); while (timeDiff < 0) { timeDiff = timeDiff + 365; } timeDiff = timeDiff % 365; var daysign = Math.floor(timeDiff / 20); var period = timeDiff % 20; return period + " " + haabDaySignArray_[daysign]; } function getTzolkinDate() { var tzolkinBase = new Date(1999,0,4); var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var timeDiff = date.difference(tzolkinBase,calendarValue,"day"); // dates before '99 may be wonky. Oh well. while (timeDiff < 0) { timeDiff = timeDiff + 260; } var daySign = timeDiff % 20; var period = timeDiff % 13; return periodArray_[period] + " " + tzolkinDaySignArray_[daySign]; } function getLongCount() { var baktun13 = new Date(2012,11,21); // var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var baktun = 13; var katun = 0; var tun = 0; var uinal = 0; var k_in = 0; if (,calendarValue) > 0) { var timeDiff = date.difference(calendarValue,baktun13,"day"); baktun--; katun = 19; tun = 19; uinal = 17; k_in = 19; baktun = baktun - Math.floor(timeDiff / 144000); timeDiff = timeDiff % 144000; katun = katun - Math.floor(timeDiff / 7200); timeDiff = timeDiff % 7200; tun = tun - Math.floor(timeDiff / 360); timeDiff = timeDiff % 360; uinal = uinal - Math.floor(timeDiff / 20); timeDiff = timeDiff % 20; k_in = k_in - timeDiff; } else { var timeDiff = date.difference(baktun13,calendarValue,"day"); baktun = baktun + Math.floor(timeDiff / 144000); timeDiff = timeDiff % 144000; katun = katun + Math.floor(timeDiff / 7200); timeDiff = timeDiff % 7200; tun = tun + Math.floor(timeDiff / 360); timeDiff = timeDiff % 360; uinal = uinal + Math.floor(timeDiff / 20); timeDiff = timeDiff % 20; k_in = k_in + timeDiff; } return baktun + "." + katun + "." + tun + "." + uinal + "." + k_in; } function getXmas() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var xmasDate = new Date(calendarValue.getUTCFullYear(),11,25); if (,calendarValue) < 0) { xmasDate = date.add(xmasDate,"year",1); } return date.difference(calendarValue,xmasDate,"day"); } function getXDay() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var xDayDate = new Date(8661,6,5); return date.difference(calendarValue,xDayDate,"day"); } function getDiscordianDay() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var jan1 = new Date(calendarValue.getUTCFullYear(),0,1); var dateDiff = date.difference(jan1,calendarValue) + 1; var discordianDate = "";//"Today is "; var discordianDay = dateDiff; if (discordianDay == FEB_29 && date.isLeapYear(calendarValue)) { discordianDate = "St. Tib's Day"; } else { if (discordianDay > FEB_29 && date.isLeapYear(calendarValue)) { discordianDay--; } var discordianDayOfWeek = (discordianDay - 1) % DISCORDIAN_DAYS_PER_WEEK; var discordianMonth = Math.floor((discordianDay - 1) / DISCORDIAN_DAYS_PER_MONTH); var discordianDayOfMonth = ((discordianDay - 1) % DISCORDIAN_DAYS_PER_MONTH) + 1; discordianDate += discordianWeekday_[discordianDayOfWeek]; discordianDate += ", the "; discordianDate += discordianDayOfMonth; if (discordianDayOfMonth % 10 == 1) { discordianDate += "st"; } else if (discordianDayOfMonth % 10 == 2) { discordianDate += "nd"; } else if (discordianDayOfMonth % 10 == 3) { discordianDate += "rd"; } else { discordianDate += "th"; } discordianDate += " day of "; discordianDate += discordianMonth_[discordianMonth]; var discordianHolyDay = -1; switch (discordianDay) { case JAN_5: discordianHolyDay = 0; break; case FEB_19: discordianHolyDay = 1; break; case MAR_19: discordianHolyDay = 2; break; case MAY_3: discordianHolyDay = 3; break; case MAY_31: discordianHolyDay = 4; break; case JUL_15: discordianHolyDay = 5; break; case AUG_12: discordianHolyDay = 6; break; case SEP_26: discordianHolyDay = 7; break; case OCT_24: discordianHolyDay = 8; break; case DEC_8: discordianHolyDay = 9; break; } if (discordianHolyDay > -1) { discordianDate += "( "+discordianHolyDay_[discordianHolyDay]+")"; } } discordianDate += " in the YOLD "+(calendarValue.getUTCFullYear()+1166); return discordianDate; } function getDiscordianRandomText() { var randomTextIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 14); return discordianRandomText_[randomTextIndex]; } function getFrenchStr() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var year = calendarValue.getUTCFullYear(); year = year - 1792; year = year + 1; var frenchStart = new Date(1792,8,22); var frenchCurrent = new Date(1792,calendarValue.getUTCMonth(),calendarValue.getUTCDate()); var currentDay = 0; if (,frenchStart) < 0 && date.isLeapYear(calendarValue)) { frenchCurrent = date.add(frenchCurrent,"year",4); currentDay = date.difference(frenchStart,frenchCurrent,"day"); while (currentDay > 365) { currentDay = currentDay - 365; } year = year - 1; } else { if (,frenchStart) < 0 && !date.isLeapYear(calendarValue)) { frenchCurrent = date.add(frenchCurrent,"year",1); year = year - 1; } currentDay = date.difference(frenchStart,frenchCurrent,"day"); } var dayOfMonth = currentDay % 30; var month = Math.floor(currentDay / 30); var dayOfWeek = currentDay % 10; var returnLine = ""; if (month < 12) { returnLine+= frenchDayOfWeek_[dayOfWeek]+", "; // ex: Duodi (does not apply to Sansculottides) } returnLine += (dayOfMonth+1)+ " "; // ex: 22 returnLine += frenchMonth_[month] + ", "; // ex: Brumaire returnLine += year; // ex: 224 returnLine += "     "; returnLine += frenchDayDescription_[currentDay]; return returnLine; } function getFeria() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var jan1 = new Date(calendarValue.getUTCFullYear(),0,1); var jan189 = new Date(1989,0,1); var dateDiff = date.difference(jan1,calendarValue,"day"); if (dateDiff+1 >= FEB_29 && !date.isLeapYear(calendarValue)) { dateDiff++; } var feria = feriae[dateDiff]; var dateDiff2 = date.difference(jan189,calendarValue,"day"); if (dateDiff2 % 8 == 0) { if (feria == null) { feria = "Nundinæ"; } else { feria = "Nundinæ; "+feria; } } if (feria == null) { feria = "None today "+TEN_SPACES+TEN_SPACES+TEN_SPACES+TEN_SPACES+"Dies Fastus"; } return feria; } function FIXANGLE(a) { return (a) - 360.0 * (Math.floor((a) / 360.0)) } function TORAD(d) { return (d) * (MY_PI / 180.0); } function TODEG(r) { return (r) * (180.0 / MY_PI); } function kepler(m) { var e; var delta; e = TORAD(m); m = TORAD(m); while (Math.abs(delta) - KEPLER_EPSILON > 0.0) { delta = e - ECCENT_EARTH_ORBIT * Math.sin(e) - m; e -= delta / (1.0 - ECCENT_EARTH_ORBIT * Math.cos(e)); } return (e); } function days_of_february() { var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; if (date.isLeapYear(calendarValue)) { return 29; } else { return 28; } } function SGN(gc_x) { if (gc_x < 0) { return -1; } else if (gc_x > 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function getMoonAge(julian_date) { var date_within_epoch; var sun_eccent; var sun_mean_anomaly; var sun_perigree_co_ordinates_to_epoch; var sun_geocentric_elong; var moon_evection; var moon_variation; var moon_mean_anomaly; var moon_mean_longitude; var moon_annual_equation; var moon_correction_term1; var moon_correction_term2; var moon_correction_equation_of_center; var moon_corrected_anomaly; var moon_corrected_longitude; var moon_present_age; var moon_present_phase; var moon_present_longitude; /* Calculation of the Sun's position. */ date_within_epoch = julian_date - EPOCH; sun_mean_anomaly = FIXANGLE((360.0 / 365.2422) * date_within_epoch); sun_perigree_co_ordinates_to_epoch = FIXANGLE(sun_mean_anomaly + SUN_ELONG_EPOCH - SUN_ELONG_PERIGEE); sun_eccent = kepler(sun_perigree_co_ordinates_to_epoch); sun_eccent = Math.sqrt((1.0 + ECCENT_EARTH_ORBIT) / (1.0 - ECCENT_EARTH_ORBIT)) * Math.tan(sun_eccent / 2.0); sun_eccent = 2.0 * TODEG(atan(sun_eccent)); sun_geocentric_elong = FIXANGLE(sun_eccent + SUN_ELONG_PERIGEE); /* Calculation of the Moon's position. */ moon_mean_longitude = FIXANGLE(13.1763966 * date_within_epoch + MOON_MEAN_LONGITUDE_EPOCH); moon_mean_anomaly = FIXANGLE(moon_mean_longitude - 0.1114041 * date_within_epoch - MOON_MEAN_LONGITUDE_PERIGREE); moon_evection = 1.2739 * Math.sin(TORAD(2.0 * (moon_mean_longitude - sun_geocentric_elong) - moon_mean_anomaly)); moon_annual_equation = 0.1858 * Math.sin(TORAD(sun_perigree_co_ordinates_to_epoch)); moon_correction_term1 = 0.37 * Math.sin(TORAD(sun_perigree_co_ordinates_to_epoch)); moon_corrected_anomaly = moon_mean_anomaly + moon_evection - moon_annual_equation - moon_correction_term1; moon_correction_equation_of_center = 6.2886 * Math.sin(TORAD(moon_corrected_anomaly)); moon_correction_term2 = 0.214 * Math.sin(TORAD(2.0 * moon_corrected_anomaly)); moon_corrected_longitude = moon_mean_longitude + moon_evection + moon_correction_equation_of_center - moon_annual_equation + moon_correction_term2; moon_variation = 0.6583 * Math.sin(TORAD(2.0 * (moon_corrected_longitude - sun_geocentric_elong))); // true longitude moon_present_longitude = moon_corrected_longitude + moon_variation; moon_present_age = moon_present_longitude - sun_geocentric_elong; moon_present_phase = 100.0 * ((1.0 - Math.cos(TORAD(moon_present_age))) / 2.0); if (0.0 < FIXANGLE(moon_present_age) - 180.0) { moon_present_phase = -moon_present_phase; } var moonAgeAsDays_ = SYNMONTH * (FIXANGLE(moon_present_age) / 360.0); return Math.floor(moonAgeAsDays_); } function computePhaseIndex(){ var calendarValue = dijit.byId("calendarSelect").value; var actualTimeValue = dijit.byId("actualTime").value; // String moon_phase_name[] = { "New Moon", // 0 // "Waxing crescent", // 1 // "First quarter", // 2 // "Waxing gibbous", // 3 // "Full Moon", // 4 // "Waning gibbous", // 5 // "Third quarter", // 6 // "Waning crescent" }; // 7 var phase; // Moon phase // double factor; // Moon phase factor var year = calendarValue.getUTCFullYear() var month = calendarValue.getUTCMonth(); var day = calendarValue.getUTCDate(); var hour = actualTimeValue.getHours(); var min = actualTimeValue.getMinutes(); var sec = actualTimeValue.getSeconds(); var time_exact = hour/24 + min/1440 + sec/86400; //var phase; // Moon phase var cent; // Century number (1979 = 20) var epact; // Age of the moon on Jan. 1 var diy; // Day in the year var golden; // Moon's golden number if (month < 0 || month > 12) { month = 0; // Just in case } // Just in case var jan1 = new Date(year,0,1); diy = date.difference(jan1,calendarValue) + 1 + time_exact; cent = (year / 100) + 1; // Century number golden = (year % 19) + 1; // Golden number epact = ((11 * golden) + 20 // Golden number + (((8 * cent) + 5) / 25) - 5 // 400 year cycle - (((3 * cent) / 4) - 12)) % 30; //Leap year correction if (epact <= 0) { epact += 30; } // Age range is 1 .. 30 if ((epact == 25 && golden > 11) || epact == 24) { epact++; // Calculate the phase, using the magic numbers defined above. // Note that (phase and 7) is equivalent to (phase mod 8) and // is needed on two days per year (when the algorithm yields 8). } // Calculate the phase, using the magic numbers defined above. // Note that (phase and 7) is equivalent to (phase mod 8) and // is needed on two days per year (when the algorithm yields 8). // this.factor = ((((diy + (double)epact) * 6) + 11) % 100 ); phase = (((((Math.floor(diy + epact)) * 6) + 11) % 177) / 22) & 7; return(phase); } function atan(x) { var SQRT3 = 1.732050807568877294; var signChange=false; var Invert=false; var sp=0; var x2, a; // check up the sign change if(x<0.) { x=-x; signChange=true; } // check up the invertation if(x>1.) { x=1/x; Invert=true; } // process shrinking the domain until xMY_PI/12) { sp++; a=x+SQRT3; a=1/a; x=x*SQRT3; x=x-1; x=x*a; } // calculation core x2=x*x; a=x2+1.4087812; a=0.55913709/a; a=a+0.60310579; a=a-(x2*0.05160454); a=a*x; // process until sp=0 while(sp>0) { a=a+MY_PI/6; sp--; } // invertation took place if(Invert) a=Math.PI/2-a; // sign change took place if(signChange) a=-a; // return a; } function getWeekNumber(d) { // Copy date so don't modify original d = new Date(+d); d.setHours(0,0,0); // Set to nearest Thursday: current date + 4 - current day number // Make Sunday's day number 7 d.setDate(d.getDate() + 4 - (d.getDay()||7)); // Get first day of year var yearStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(),0,1); // Calculate full weeks to nearest Thursday var weekNo = Math.ceil(( ( (d - yearStart) / 86400000) + 1)/7) // Return array of year and week number return weekNo; } var latitude = new NumberTextBox({ name: "latitude", constraints: {min: -180, max: 180, pattern: "0.#######"}, onChange: function(value) { refresh(); } }, "latitude"); var longitude = new NumberTextBox({ name: "longitude", constraints: {min: -180, max: 180, pattern: "0.#######"}, onChange: function(value) { refresh(); } }, "longitude"); // latitude.startup(); // longitude.startup(); var actualTime = new TimeTextBox({name: "actualTime", constraints: { timePattern: 'HH:mm', clickableIncrement: 'T00:15', visibleIncrement: 'T00:15', visibleRange: 'T01:00' }, onChange: function(value) { refresh(); }, value: new Date() }, "actualTime"); gps(); refresh(); function gps() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition); } else { // Assume you're in New England, because why wouldn't you be? alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser."); latitude.setValue(41); longitude.setValue(-72); } } function showPosition(position) { dijit.byId("latitude").set("value",""+Number(Math.round(position.coords.latitude+'e7')+'e-7')); dijit.byId("longitude").set("value",""+Number(Math.round(position.coords.longitude+'e7')+'e-7')); latitude.startup(); longitude.startup(); } });